Year in Review - 2015

My favorite kind of year is when there's a lot of change and growth and this one certainly had that! Thank you, 2015! Also a big thank you to my readers who have continued the Le Fay Series this year!


-Started a new picture book and a novel!



-Finished Halo 5, my seventh video game, and also my third novel SWORD!

-Got ducks! Phantom and Paimei. We got them as sweet ducklings. They will produce eggs in the spring! They are super pets! They inspire my connection with nature and I got into gardening more than ever.

-Had an unexpected epiphany that will shape the next chapter in my career.


-Wrapped up my work with Microsoft. It was a great experience working with a big company and franchise. 

-I got a new exciting project that aligns with my vision for my career! Stay tuned for news in the new year!

Until my next post in 2016... Happy New Year!



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